
Mehdi Seperi via Unsplash

via unsplash

How do I navigate this

Which way gets me through

What if I fall, will it hurt?

What am I meant to do.

So many thoughts and calculations

My whole head screams in pain

Hunny please know your worth,

You’re a bird, not a plane.

I’m scared of myself

I’m on high alert

Jealous of my friends

Because their brains don’t hurt

They aren’t constantly confused

Their worlds aren’t upside down

Why me, why now, I didn’t ask for this

I feel I might drown.

Predicting the future

Analysing the past,

So much scares her,

Self doubt invades her,

Nerves hitting hard and fast.

She’s angry now.

The things she can’t explain.

She forgets birds don’t need a reason

Just fly, you aren’t a plane.

How do I be bigger and better

How do I stay strong

When my confidence is so low

How should I know right from wrong

Let the pity party commence

it begins in my bed

Where comparison can’t find me

Where I feel safe in my head

How did I end up like this

I just feel so drained

How do I react, and respond

Hunny stop it, you aren’t a plane.

You’re a bird just fly.

You’ll find a way.

Trust yourself

Stay calm,

You’ve got this

It will all be ok.

